Saturday, March 12, 2011

Lifes a little funny....

Lately I have been having some lower back pain along with some pretty weird dreams and I decided it was my bed causing this distress. So today I pulled off my really really comfortable foam topper that was on top of my bed, and have been sleeping on the good ol' hard college mattress.
I love sleep. sleep and me we get along well. So naturally I thought a foam mattress would help me sleep EVEN better. I BEGGED my mother for that foam mattress for the longest time. And my mom does not buy things like that for just some random reason, it has to be for a special occasion and so Christmas, Graduation, and FINALLY my birthday and I got this beautiful, soft foam mattress and it was going to be perfect for me to take to college. Well who knew that this foam mattress which I thought was going to be sooooo good for me, ended up hurting me. Something I thought was going to help me and change me, ended up, actually making things worse.
I find it funny that things that I thought I needed sooo badly, I ended up not needing at all. They actually ended up hurting me more then providing that great Help that I thought it would provide. I have actually seen this happen to me a lot in life. Something I wanted SOO bad, and when I finally got it, it ended up being an awful thing for me. Totally right, ended up being totally wrong. Now I am not talking about something silly like bed foam mattresses, but I am talking about friends, boyfriends, family situations, or even some decisions in which you feel is such a big deal at the moment, but in all actuality, its not. To me I find it happening a lot with friends. Friends that I thought I needed and wanted and that I put on this grand pedestal ended up not really being true friends to me at all, they are the ones who probably hurt me the most.
I guess my whole point in this random mess of a blog post is that the Lord knows where you need to be and what is going to help you become who your eternally destined to be. He knows what you REALLY need and what you don't. He knows you. And he is willing to help you know yourself if you would have just let him. I guess for me I just wish I would have turned to the Lord first, instead of trying to figure it out on my own, or asking other advice. I wished I would have asked if it was something I needed to help me progress in this life and enable me to help do the lords work. The end all be all is before you go make any life decisions out there, make sure you consult the one guy who know you the best, your Heavenly Father.

1 comment:

  1. I love your ability to see God everywhere (and also I love your layout! Were these fonts here last time?) Keep it up! I look forward to the M&M stories
